Frequently Asked Questions

Will this really guarantee success to independent climate fiction writers?
Sometimes projects might fail, but that is the risk writers take with any story idea they develop. By helping writers find good story development advice through experienced editors and beta readers, as well as connecting them with funding through the Garden community to pay for that, their chances of success will increase.
I want to help. What can I do?
First, if you work with a climate-focused nonprofit, even as a volunteer, you can suggest they share this campaign in their newsletter or social media. You can also spread the word on social media and among your friends about the campaign and the website. Finally, when any positive, constructive climate fiction comes out, whether traditionally or independently published, please support these books by alerting your local library and booksellers to their existence.
What is the major challenge for this project?
Since this is all about audience building, the challenge will be keeping the newsletter going. I spent the previous 4 years as the articles editor for my regional children’s writers and illustrators group, so I understand how much time is involved. I will be realistic about balancing my time, so I can continue to write the climate stories that are desperately needed.
How will you decide which projects to announce in the Garden Alerts?
I will have criteria for announcing a book's fundraising campaign, such as making sure it is specifically focused on the climate emergency (not general Eco-lit) as well as providing inspiration for positive action. Along with each Garden Alert, I will send an evaluation checklist to help community members evaluate the strength of each crowdfunding campaign.
Will you be publishing these books?
I have designed the Climate Story Garden to have a support function and not a publishing function. I don’t want to be picking the book projects that will be successful. That is the job for the members of the Climate Story Garden community. The writers will have to do their own fundraising campaigns for their books. I can just help connect them to a dedicated audience to get the backing that they need.